Sports News

IOC ‘In Principle’ Extends NOC Executive’s Tenure

The coronavirus pandemic that forced the postponement of the Olympics and Paralympics to July 23 to August 8 and August 24 to September 5 2021 respectively, has thrown a thin of uncertainty to most NOCs election which normally hold a year after the Games.

To address this challenge, the IOC will have a flexible approach to the election cycle and let NOCs decide whether to follow the four-year term of office or to follow the Olympic Games cycle and hold elections in 2021. 

The IOC will grant extensions to the initial term of office on an exceptional basis. 

National Federation elections are not under the direct jurisdiction of the IOC, so such bodies are expected to coordinate their approach with their respective International Federation and NOC. 

By discernsportblog

Former sprinter, Taewondo and Badminton Player. Sport Physiotherapist

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