
Ineh Missed Triple Win And Aniekeme Missed Double As Abu Wins NAIA Champiobship

On Friday (28), Nigeria Aniekeme Etim won American National Association Of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) Championship with 11.44s (3.0) over 100m but her effort to make it a double win was narrowly dashed by Jaqua Bush. Etim could not muster enough speed to beat Bush who won in 23.50s (0.5) to Etim 23.57.

Her counterpart, Emmanuel Ineh was not lucky to make it triple win in 100m after he had already won long jump (8.16) and triple jump (15.99). He was beating to the tape by Alexandra Gray who finished in 10.31s (4.0) to Ineh 10.32s.

In the female 400m hurdle, the new improved Nigeria hurdler, Joy Abu was near perfect in her technics to win in 59.52s and came second over 100m hurdle with 13.68s (2.8). Was narrowly beaten by Leondra Correia who won 13.67s.

By discernsportblog

Former sprinter, Taewondo and Badminton Player. Sport Physiotherapist

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