Foot ball

Premier League And Players’ Meeting Deadlock As Players Deviant Over Pay Cut

The Saturday’s conference call between the representative of all the 20 Premier League clubs and Professional Footballers Association ( PFA) ended in a deadlock with the premier league clubs getting more than what they bargain for.

With the premier league clubs tabling 30% pay cut before PFA, but the players were upset by the comment last week by the health Secretary, Matt Hancock. Secondly, they felt the NHS will be seriously be affected by tax deficit of £200m if they agree to pay cut.

While players have been told clubs may lose £1.137bn because of the disruption caused by the pandemic, the Professional Footballers’ Association has responded to the Premier League’s proposals of a 30% pay cut by saying that would be detrimental to the NHS.

The proposal will be discussed among squads with a view to reaching a collective agreement by the end of the week but the PFA has remained defiant in the face of mounting pressure, arguing cuts would lead to a £200m tax deficit.

There was hope before Saturday’s conference call, which involved managers, captains and representatives of all 20 Premier League clubs, that an agreement would be reached over wage reductions, deferrals or a combination of both. Many top-flight clubs are worried about their income drying up while the season is suspended and some have already put non-football staff on furlough.

There is confusion over where the money is going. The feeling is there would be no benefit to society if the wages are simply going back to the clubs rather than to charities and frontline services.

By discernsportblog

Former sprinter, Taewondo and Badminton Player. Sport Physiotherapist

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