
In The Heart Of British; Disdain Or Love For Sir Mo Farah

Sir Mo Farah; the Britain most successfull track and field athlete and an all time great of distance running comprising amazing ten succesive global titles including four 5000m and  10000m double has gotten less deserved repect despite bidding farewell to the sport. The british media has not been fair to him despite he has not been found to have fail any doping. Like many of such media attack; the last Sunday{13th} telegrapy read: Mo Farah Lauches Astonishing Attack On Media. But on reading through the interview you will found there is nothing to justify such sensational headline.

Even Kelly Jade Sotherton the former heptathlete feels Mo is not fit to be called a legend. While the IAAF president, a former British distance runner could not even extend to Farah the same or little less out pouring encomium shower on Legend Usain Bolt.

Although the British fan love Mo Farah with out any doupt; which they have showed over the year by whole hearted supporting him. And  that’s what counts the most.

By discernsportblog

Former sprinter, Taewondo and Badminton Player. Sport Physiotherapist

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